Week 9 Reading and Writing


This weeks reading is going to be different from the previous ones. This one will be a self reflection on the readings before and other posts while giving my thoughts on them.

Starting off I want to talk about how I feel about the readings so far. The readings have I thought be a great way to teach and share what we need to know for creating our game and the thought process needed to create a fun game. My favourite reading was last weeks one discussing Fun in video games. Learning how even the most simple concept has an in-depth development process for it was interesting to discover. Watching the videos by The Game Overanalyser and Andrzej Marczewski were nice and short mediums to learn about fun through, allowing me to easily process the information given without feeling overwhelmed.

I feel even though readings are certainly helpful, for me at least some of the readings were tediously long and had way too much information. This prevented me from being able to grasp the information they were presenting without getting lost and bored. I found the more condensed readings and the videos provided were much easier and more effective as it allowed for fast and easy digestion of what was being shown.

I feel my best work that came from the blog was my game posts. The game posts make me feel more professional with how they are presented with the numerous image examples, links, and just with what I discuss. Each one shows a clear development on my project and I feel seem like a natural progression rather than just clawing at a random idea. It's easily some of my best and most proud posts and I wouldn't do anything to change them.

While not being my favourite, I think my best used photo would have been this one from my game vision statement post. This three piece image displaying Outlast, Alien: Isolation and Resident Evil 7 I felt perfectly gave across my concept for my game project of an un-killable entity chasing the player continuously through the game. Without even describing in-depth about the enemy, the image conveys to those who know of the games what kind of game it will be and the kind of enemy that they can expect to be present.

For the future of this module, I think I need to learn to manage my personal timing better. It was extremely easy to fall behind on the project and module while sick, working on other projects, and working a job. This made me feel so much more overwhelmed and panic about not being able to achieve these goals for the module. Doing the work itself is not too difficult, I'd say it's a moderate amount if your well-managed but falling behind makes it seem so much more daunting. I hope next semester is a little less overwhelming in terms of the timing of everything, and gives me a better chance to more easily complete my work without burning myself by working on it in a condensed time.


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