Unity Tutorial 06


The tutorial this week thought us many new things such as applying animation to specific actions for your character, as well as particle and sound effects.

I discovered there was an animation controller in Unity from this tutorial, I never stumbled upon it, It never even crossed my mind that there was one. I guess that goes to show me that there's a lot more to the Unity engine in plain sight than I realised.

Anyways for the tutorial we learned how to to initiate a run animation when the player begins moving by making the run animation the default animation when the game starts. We set up a jump animation to make the jump seem more realistic instead of the character just floating into the air. With it we all set a falling animation for when they've completed their jump.

They went on to show teach us how to add particle effects such as explosions and dirt splatter when colliding with an object and also how to add music.

This week was much more fun to learn compared to last week as we got to learn a plethora of new content. Learning the particle effects was probably my favourite part despite it making no difference to the game, just the little exaggerated touches made it more enjoyable.


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