Unity Tutorial 04
This weeks tutorial involved us learning how to make collisions, and creating a jump mechanic. I really enjoyed this weeks tutorial, mainly learning the jump mechanic as it made me feel like I made a proper runner game. The main issue I had with this entire thing was just getting the spawner to work properly and continuously spawn hurdles instead of just one at the beginning. I also had problems with making the game end when the character hits the hurdle, as when he made contact with them he just knocked them over and continued on running. Other than that I got on perfectly fine thanks to the video which makes the whole process much easier to understand.
I will have to go over the tutorial again, specifically the collision detection part when I start making my game, as my character will be followed around by the enemy and I plan to make it that when the enemy touches you that it's an instant game over. Being able to learn all this basics has got me a little nervous when it finally comes to us making our games as there'll be no one to tell us what to do but I'm sure I'll do fine by revisiting these tutorials and others if I get stuck.
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